Pet Manners
- Starts 6:45pm on February 27. Class dates are February 27, March 6, 13, 20, April 3 and 10. No class on March 27.
Cost $225+gst and runs for 6 weeks, 1 hour per week.
This class is for dogs that are 6 months or older in age. We cover basic obedience skills such as sit, down, stay, coming when called, walking on leash and polite greetings. We also include training that helps with vet visits, grooming appointments and of course spending time out and about with your dog.
*We recommend puppies 6 months of younger join our Puppy class that is specifically designed for their age group.
Canine Good Neighbour
- Starts 8pm on February 27. Class dates are February 27, March 6, 13, 20, April 3 and 10. No class on March 27.
Want your dog to be a Canine Good Neighbour? Join our prep class that will have your dog master the 12 exercises required to pass the Canadian Kennel Club’s Canine Good Neighbour exam. This include polite greetings, handling by a stranger, moving past distractions, passing other dogs, stay for grooming and coming when called. This class is an excellent follow up to any basic obedience class.