New Puppy, Old Dog

New Puppy, Old Dog

  It’s a pretty exciting time when a new puppy is added to a family. For some families this is their second dog. We always have dreams that our current dog will be thrilled to have a new best friend to hang out and play with however just like kids sometimes they...
Nail Care for Dogs

Nail Care for Dogs

At our daycare and kennel we see a lot of different dogs. One of the most important things for us to look out for is nail length. Regular nail trims are paramount to your dog’s health.   The length of time in between trims varies dog-to-dog depending on how much...
Calming the Reactive Dog

Calming the Reactive Dog

One of the most common behaviour issues that our clients face is living with a reactive dog. Reactivity can be defined as barking, lunging, growling or generally presenting an aggressive front to other dogs and people. It makes walking, training and finding pet care...
New Puppy, Now What?

New Puppy, Now What?

Our dog-training department often gets calls from loving but thoroughly confused new puppy parents that are unsure about what to do now that they have a puppy. Happily we’ve put together this new puppy, now what guide just for you!   #1 Visit the Vet A health...
Naked Dogs Are Safe Dogs

Naked Dogs Are Safe Dogs

We run a pretty big risk when we put a collar on a pet and yet people leave them on their pets all the time. That risk is increased when an animal is kept in an enclosed space like a crate or dog run. If your pet becomes caught up, then they may injure themselves or...