by Jade Zwingli | Jan 5, 2018 | High Tails News
It may come as a surprise but not all dogs like each other. Dogs, just like humans, have preferences about who they like to socialize with. Some dogs will tolerate a lot of rude and rowdy behaviour but that doesn’t mean they enjoy it. At High Tails we pride...
by Jade Zwingli | Dec 22, 2017 | High Tails News
We had such a good time holding our annual fundraiser for the Cochrane Humane Society with Santa Photos. Here are the amazing shots the talented Cheryl Wallach captured!
by Jade Zwingli | Nov 13, 2017 | High Tails News
by Jade Zwingli | Oct 11, 2017 | High Tails News
Everyone signs up for a dog training class with the best of intentions. Visions of the Lassie come to mind. Most owners want the same thing – a dog that listens quickly to cues and performs them seamlessly regardless of distractions – better yet if your...
by Jade Zwingli | Sep 8, 2017 | High Tails News
It’s pretty common for us to hear from owners that their dog used to like other dogs but suddenly stopped. Often they can’t put their finger on a specific reason why but with some digging we usually find it happens between 8 months and 2 years old as dogs...